Video Script πŸ“Έ ♥️πŸ“–

Prepared by :2nd Semester English
Topic: The school for sympathy
Method: summary and analysis of the chapter is being explaind through short bits of tablo and scene
wise actions. Rather than elaborating the whole play the teacher here shows very important scenes from the chapter.
AIMS : the true aim of selecting this chapter is to develop passion for active teaching and to enhance compassion towards each students which we are going to face in our future lives. In this present era in schools teachers need emotional quotient to deal with students. As the aim of the school such as its purpose is to create sympathy among students towards the lame the blind and the handicapped.
AIDS: text books, Chalk, tablo presentation, charts, actors, placards
[ The following is a one act play containing only one scene ]♥️
……. An Empty classroom, suddenly the last bell rings, students enter the class running for the life to escape from this scoldings of the class teacher. The students inside the class charters.. …. Nothing is clear
than the noises of various things.. … now the class teacher enters…….
Tr: shhhh………. ( In order to make them silent
Smiling seldom and reduces the voice and says)
( Now a single toll arrives indicating that it is time for prayer)
s1 & s2 : sings prayer
S3: Thought for the day
( After the prayer the whole class wishes good morning to the teacher)
Ss: GOOD MORNING TEACHER (In a chanting tone)
Tr: a pleasant warm good morning to my dear children
( In a passionate tone)
How u all doing…?
Ss: fine ma’am….. Doing well ma’am (actively responds)
Tr: (in an enquiring tone ) do you know what day it is?
(Suddenly avoice from corner )
Andriya : Ma’am November 14th
Tr: Very good Andiiii
( The teacher begins to upload which is continued by the students)
Ok ok fine……..
And do you know what’s speciality this day has?
Entire class : CHILDREN'S DAY…. CHILDREN'S DAY….πŸ‘­πŸ‘¬πŸ§‘‍🀝‍πŸ§‘.
TR: excellent……( CLAPS)πŸ‘
Fine.. Children take your attendance
Where is----------------------
Do you have any idea Andria?
A: no ma’am
Tr: do u Dhanu?
D: mam it is usually her father who always accompanies her to school
( Suddenly a student reaches sobbing in front of the class. The teacher looks Towers the entrance.)
Tr: ( In an alarming tone ) Sneha my child what happened
( The student kept on crying teacher exams her body and finds a small wound in her elbow and its started to bleed )
O child what happened to you
SNEHA: ( simultaneously sobbing and replies )
Mam I was late for class so I ran through the staircase to reach the classroom but at a moment I lost my
balance and fell down from the staircase…mmmmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmmm😒😒
( Now along with pune the headmistress enters)
Ss: Good morning mam
Head : ( in an authoritative as well as caring tone)
Good morning children
( Towards the class teacher)
What happened teacher?
Tr: mam she said she fell down from the staircase. (Showes the small wound )ma’am it is bleeding
Head: oh gosh (to the pune) bring the first aid box immediately
( pune runs to the office to fetch it)
Oh my poor soul don’t worry……it’s gonna be fine
( pune returned with the box)
Pune : ma’am here(breaths heavily)
Head: oh yes here u are ( to the student and pats and shows her way to the chair)
( Headmistress continues to address the class in a formal it happy and proud tone)
The students as we all know last week from our school and very especially from this class a couple of
you participated in the district kalolsavam after securing good positions from the south zone
competitions. This is a proud moment ALL OF us and especially for myself and I believed the same for your class teacher
( Headmasters distributes the prices for the allotted WINNERS)
First prize in English elocution Andrea Tresa Freddy ( the whole class applauds)
Third A grade in Katha prasangam Dhanu Sankar
Second A grade in story writing Dhanu Sankar again And finally first A grade in light music Kartika.
Happy to announce one more thing and Andrea Dhanu and Kartika you will represent our school and our column district in particular ITEM in the upcoming state kalolsavam.
( Once again a Huge round of applause a course in the classroom and the headmistress leaves merrily)
Tr: oh my children I am so happy to see your growth in co curricular activities… you have showed your excellence in Academics and now you are excellent in co curricular activities this makes my heart so proud as a class teacher
Now are you ready for the revision class?
S: yes mam
T: do you know which chapter we are going to revise?
S: yes mam the school for sympathy
T: very good I hope that you have read the chapter at home I didn’t you?
S: yes ma’am we did
T: good now I am going to show you some photos based on the chapter
( Teacher show some pictures to the students. She do some typing in the laptop and pretends that she is
get along with a picture. Meanwhile a tablo enters teacher shows the first picture. Teacher shows the picture of a poor mother feeds her child who is doing homework. The tablo stand still.
T: children can you see this picture clearly?
S: yes ma’am we can
T: then who can tell me what is the message that we get from this picture?
Dhanu can u
D: a mother is feeding her child who is doing homework
T: very good very good Dhanu,give her a clap
Now I need what is the real message that the picture actually carries who can explain that and Andria.
Can you?
A: eating food
T: ( teacher notes her head as if the answer is incorrect )
No no Andriya examined the picture carefully what emotion did you get from the picture?
A: mmm….. LOVE…?
T: it is love….. Exactly excellent Andriya excellent observation
So finally my question is what is the lesson that you get from this picture ( pointing towards Sneha) are u
getting better child???
S: much better ma’am
Tr: then Sneha are you ready to comment on the picture?
S: I will try mam
T: very good that is the spirit come on
Sneha explains….: sharing food is the most wonderful feeling that we can experience in this world. Here in this picture we can see that a poor mother feeding her child who is doing homework. This is the ultimate feel of motherhood Motherhood is not a duty but based on love. It is cemented on compassion and passion and caring for the child
T : outstanding explanation Sneha very well done.

T: now I will ask one of you to compare and contrast both the picture as well as the video and bring the
similarities among them. I know that Nishida you are well equipped with that skill please compare these
two pictures with the chapter The School for sympathy
N: in this story The writer introduces the readers to a new type of school as the name indicates the
school is purpose is to create sympathy among students for the lame the blind and the handicapped.
Every students learn the lessons of love and sympathy and helping mentality towards the fellow members. Here in the school teachers all the subjects in other schools but it differs from other schools in one important aspect that is it means it’s students good citizens. The picture corroborates the idea that the seed of goodness compassion caring for others especially for the disabled are sowed and Now chat
inside the 4 walls of home.
Tr: oh my godness ( pats Nishida ) that was indeed fabulous. Excellent interpretation keep it up Nishida
What is your dream child?
N: to be a teacher mam
Tr: you will you will you certainly will be.. You are already counted as one among them chase your dream well done once again. We reap what we saw.
Let me continue from where Nishida concluded. Lesson school for sympathy gives the idea of the role of school education in our life. Miss Bean the head of the school was running a school. The name of the school was the school for sympathy it was different from other schools. So we can continue our revision
what were the basic lessons taught at that school?
Ss: the students were taught spelling adding subtracting multiplying and division
T: good
 But what was the real name of the school CURRICULUM
Ss: to make children kind and thoughtful
Tr: brilliant
 What are the different kind of days arranged by misbeam I need the answer to be inactive by one by one.
A) S1 : blind day
B) S2: lame day
C) s3 : deaf day
D) S4: Maimed day
E) S5: Dumb day
Very good. Well done my dear students I can form the say that now you are all occupied with the chapter. Through all these special kind of days the students learn to understand the problems of the handicapped this developed the feelings of sympathy among the children
This developed the feelings of……. Feelings of
Ss: sympathy among children
Tr: likely you should also develop sympathy
 Will u?
Ss: sure maam
( The final tolls signals that it is the end of the first period )
Tr: okay children study when your exams are ahead okay thank you see you tomorrow
Ss: ( gets up) THANKUUUUU TEACHERRR.❤️♥️

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